Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is the essence of 'Customer Survey'?

What is the essence of....?

the paper that contains Satisfied , Very Satisfied , Dissatisfied.... etccc....

Is it really important ? Why

What is the essence of 'Customer Survey'?
Customer Surveys are very beneficial to you as a business owner. You can find out how the employees of your company are perceived by your customer. You need to sent it to a representative segment of your customer base to make sure that its not just a couple of customers are unhappy. There are many companies whose business is to consult with you the business owner on how to best find out what your customer is thinking. You would be surprised how much either a very satisfied customer or a very disgruntled customer will tell you. You can see if you are being responsive to their needs and expectations. You can see if they have any outstanding issues that are making them unhappy but can be quickly resolved, etc. etc.


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